Our Customers

Our customers are our greatest cheerleaders and critiques.
Each new feature and every iteration in SeekLMS is inspired by our customers' needs.

Ascend Tele

SeekLMS allows us the flexibility to achieve learning goals for our company.
Support for multi-lingual course content help us reach a wider audience.
The mobile app lets learners log in at their convenience thereby ensuring higher course completion rates.

Ranjeet Das
Manager, Ascend Tele

Alpha Beta

SeekLMS has helped us transfer our knowledge and experience to online courses. Learners can attend virtual classes, access class recordings and course content as well as attempt assessments - all in one place! The platform is easy to use without sacrificing any quality.

Kirthi Ramakrishnan

Fetal and Gynae Imaging

SeekLMS is a one stop solution that not only helps learners access course videos, images, slides but also allows us to certify their learning through graded assessments. Detailed feedback from faculty helps learners understand how to improve the quality of their image submissions.

Dr. Prathima Radhakrishnan
Director, Bangalore Fetal Medicine Center

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Top Companies use SeekLMS

Kalyan Jewellers
Skoda and Volkswagen
Fetal and Gynae Imaging Research Institute
Shankar Mahadevan Academy
Surakshaa Career Academy
Light and Life Academy
Yaskawa India
Tanjore Art Studio
Ascend Tele
Edunnovate Technologies Private Limited
Nomi Networks
Arsccom Learning
Appitsimple Infotek Pvt. Ltd
Academy of Applied Arts
Enable Academy
Ascent HR
Money Gurukul

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